International Anti-Corruption Day


Today the whole world celebrates International Anti-Corruption Day. Thus, on December 9, 2003, the UN Convention against Corruption was adopted, uniting the world in its commitment to fight corruption, a global problem that has a devastating impact on societies, institutions and economies in every corner of our planet. This year, December 9 is particularly significant as it coincides with the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention against Corruption. The Convention is a powerful tool in the fight against corruption, requiring accountability, transparency and accountability of public authorities and the prosecution of those who expose society to the risk of corruption. Within the framework of the 10th Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which this year is taking place in Atlanta (USA), our Institute takes an active part and conducts expert discussions. Let’s unite in the fight against corruption and create a fairer, more transparent and blameless future for everyone! #Consent_for_Progress#AntiCorruptionDay#CoSP20YearsStrong#UNCAC#UNCACCoalition
