Student of the academic anti-corruption certified program began to study the course “Methodology for conducting research in the field of anti-corruption.” This module are read by Dr. Oksana Huss (University of Bologna), Alexandra Kuedel, PhD student at the Berlin School of Global and Interregional Research at the Free University of Berlin (BGTS, Freie Universität Berlin) and Alina Los (project manager of the Anti-Corruption Researchand Education Centre, ACREC, Ukraine).
The aim of this course is to teach students how to conduct research on corruption; operationalization and conceptualization at the stage of designing a corruption study; to navigate the strengths and weaknesses of certain theoretical approaches and methods of corruption research; develop students’ critical thinking, skills of constructive criticism of existing research.
During the practical exercises, participants in groups develop the design of anti-corruption research using different strategies for defining the scientific puzzle of the research.
The course is also, aimed at improving the skills of effective work with scientific literature, writing an academic text, as well as developing design and conducting their own anti-corruption research.
We express our deep gratitude to ACREC (Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre) for providing comprehensive assistance in conducting this course.
The academic anti-corruption certified program is implementing in cooperation with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Soros Foundation – Kyrgyzstan, funds the project.