Second series of training for Civil Society


The second series of trainings within the framework of the project “Improving the capacity of civil society institutions on combating corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic and creating a coalition to promote anti-corruption initiatives” in the cities of Karakol, Naryn and Talas was successfully completed.
At the end of the trainings, a round table was organized in each city, to which representatives of the local regional administration and the mayor’s office were invited. At this meeting, the format of interaction and the draft memorandum on cooperation between civil society institutions to promote anti-corruption initiatives, as well as the role of civil society in combating corruption were discussed.
The creation of the Coalition to promote anti-corruption initiatives is aimed at coordination, cooperation, interaction and mutual assistance between representatives of civil society institutions, experts and activists working in the field of combating corruption.
The events are held within the framework of the project “Improving the capacity of civil society institutions on combating corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic and creating a Coalition of organizations to promote anti-corruption initiatives” with financial support from the Democratic Commission of the US Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the training are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the US Department of State.
