The education of students of the academic anticorruption certified program has finished, it had a goal to increase the potential and strengthen the anticorruption expertise in the Kyrgyz Republic. During the Program, students took courses based on a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to study corruption.
The seminar “Actual directions of anti-corruption research in Kyrgyzstan” allowed the Program participants not only to present the results of their research but also to discuss acute and significant problems of combating corruption.
The Rector the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic – Almazbek Akmataliyev and the Director of the Program “Democratic Governance” of the Foundation Soros-Kyrgyzstan – Emilbek Juraev made a welcoming speech.
The seminar was attended by experts of the Program, representatives of the government agencies, as well as partners on development.
The works of the students of the Program were recommended for publication in a special issue of the “Bulletin” of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, which will be devoted to anti-corruption issues.
At the end of the event, certificates of completion of the one-year academic anti-corruption certified program were presented, as well as gifts for outstanding students.
The program is being implemented with the financial support of the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, in cooperation with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.