Murat Karypov, Coordinator of the Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino – Kyrgyzstan”, editor of the political online publication Pluralism, founder of the Center for International and strategic research. As part of the implementation of an individual action plan, Murat plans to integrate components of education of leaders and activists of local communities from all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic on methods of promoting anti-corruption civil initiatives on principle “from local to global”. Topic of the research project: “Imperfection of the national anti-corruption legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic”. The aim of the research project is to increase the level of public awareness KR on the experience of developing, initiating and adopting legislative acts aimed at countering corruption at the national level through active engagement state bodies with the involvement of representatives of civil society and independent experts on the example of the countries of the European Union. The study will have a positive impact on qualitative benchmarking anti-corruption legislation of individual EU states with Kyrgyzstan for subsequent borrowing of the most applicable practices and legal norms. results research will help identify specific shortcomings and weaknesses in ongoing anti-corruption strategies of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as create the necessary conditions for initiating advocacy campaigns by civil society to promote constructive changes in the regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic on combating corruption, taking into account best practices and experience of European countries.