Andrey Zhvirblis: “Anti-corruption declaration in Russia and public opinion. Project”.


From past lectures, our students learned that offshore zones do not have access to tracking financial flows. But in any civilized state there is a declaration of financial income and assets of civil servants, which is made publicly available. Andrey Zhvirblis, a representative of Transparency International Russia, shared this in more detail. In his speech, he presented the project to our listeners. This platform brings together all those who are allowed to manage state resources at any level, from a school principal to the president.

We express our great gratitude to Andrei Zhvirblis for an interesting and informative lecture. Special thanks to Dinara Asanbayeva for the opportunity to meet with international experts in the module “International Standards and National Legal and Institutional Framework for Combating Corruption”.

The Academic Anti-Corruption Certified Program is implemented in cooperation with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic with the financial support of the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan.
