Academy of Young Leader in Karakol on “The role of young people in countering corruption in the electoral process.


On November 22, the first day of the Young Leader’s Academy started in Karakol with the theme “The Role of Youth in Counteracting Corruption in the Electoral Process. The high level of political corruption slows down the process of socio-economic development of the state and the society begins to look for ways to learn and solve problems, it begins to ask the question “if not us, then who?” can resist corruption in the country and change the channel to a brighter future. Citizens are concerned about the situation in Kyrgyzstan, especially now that the country is on the eve of elections to Zhogorku Kenesh. It is during this period that the need to involve citizens in counteracting corrupt practices and intolerance to corruption is high, in which an active and progressive part of society – the youth – should play a special role.The Young Leader Academy is a platform where young people learn, grow and begin to act for the benefit of society and the development of the country. Today’s trainings in Karakol were devoted to political corruption, society and state, the study of international standards and practice of anti-corruption, and the theme of leadership in the modern world. The Young Leader Academy is organized by the Central Asian Institute for Research on Corruption and Income Laundering in partnership with the International Foundation for Elections in the Kyrgyz Republic (IFES) with support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
